- Custom printing heat shrink wrap sleeves/labels
- 【Brief 】:
Heat-shrinkable identification marker sleeves
1) Application
CTMS-135 heat-shrinkable identification marker sleeves are designed to meet the requirements of high- performance identification of wire and cable, tools, hoses and equipment. Made from reliable flame-retardant polyolefin with outstanding properties, sleeves can also be used as electrical insulation. Marks are permanent after printing.
2) Features/Benefits
Sleeves meet the requirements of AMS-DTL-23053/5 (materials and performance).
Flexible, highly flame-retardant.
Sleeves meet the print performance requirements of MIL-M-81531.
Markers can also provide insulation and strain relief.
Marks are permanent after printing; mark performance improves after shrinking.
Conform to European RoHS environmental directive.
- 【Series】:Heat shrink Cable marker sleeve
- Product description
3) Operating Temperature Range
Operating temperature range: -55℃~135℃
Minimum shrink temperature: 70℃
Minimum full recovery temperature: 110℃
4) Specifications/Standards
UL224 125℃ VW-1
UL approval, VW-1
AMS-DTL-23053/5 class 1 (materials and performance)
MIL-M-81531, MIL-STD-202
5) Specification values
Physical properties:
Tensile strength 10.3 MPa min.
Elongation 200% min.
Low temperature flexibility (-55℃, 4hrs) No cracking
Heat shock (250℃, 4hrs) No cracking, dripping, or flowing
Print performance:
UL224 50 rubs, legible
MIL-M-81531 50 rubs, legible
MIL-STD-202 30 strokes, legible
Electrical properties:
Dielectric voltage withstand 2.5KV, 60 sec No breakdown
Dielectric strength 19.7KV/mm min.
Volume resistivity 1014Ω·cm min.
Chemical properties:
Corrosion No corrosion
Flammability AMS-DTL-23053/5 Average burn time is less than 1 minute
Fluid resistance: (23℃, 24 hrs) Followed by print performancetests of MIL-M-81531
Hydraulic fluids (MIL-H-5606)
JP-4 fuel (MIL-T-5624)
Lubricating oil (MIL-L-7808)
Lubricating oil (MIL-L-23699)
Freeze resistance liquid (MIL-A-8243)
6) Product sizes
Inside diameter
Recommended use range(MM/INCH)
As supplied (min.)
After recovery (max.)
2.4 (0.093)
0.8 (0.031)
0.9-2.0 (0.035-0.079)
3.2 (0.125)
1.0 (0.042)
1.1-2.7 (0.044-0.105)
4.8 (0.187)
1.6 (0.062)
1.8-4.1 (0.069-0.160)
6.4 (0.250)
2.1 (0.083)
2.3-5.5 (0.091-0.215)
9.5 (0.375)
3.2 (0.125)
3.5-8.0 (0.137-0.320)
12.7 (0.500)
4.2 (0.166)
4.7-10.8 (0.183-0.425)
19.1 (0.750)
6.35 (0.250)
7.0-16.3 (0.275-0.640)
25.4 (1.000)
8.5 (0.333)
9.3-21.6 (0.366-0.850)
1 1/2
38.1 (1.500)
19.1 (0.750)
21.0-33.0 (0.825-1.300)
50.8 (2.000)
25.4 (1.000)
27.0-48.0 (1.063-1.890)
7) Ordering information
Standard color:White(-WH), yellow(-YL)
Nonstandard color:Special colors can be available upon request.
Nonstandard size
Special sizes are available upon request.
Standard packaging:2 inch pieces, or spool packing